Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Nobody's an outlier in the Magic Kingdom

Here's an interesting piece about data tracking through transactional data, Disney World, and how gross the term "meatspace" is.

Disney has always kind of creeped me out with their business practices. They're phenomenally good at marketing, and not even in a behemoth-tech-company, you-need-the-new-ipad kind of way. They've just mastered the concept of presenting technology in minute and frictionless ways, even when the technology isn't directly beneficial to anyone but The Mouse. They couple these technologies with brute-force strategies. The Disney Vault strategy comes to mind: I know it's not really technology per se, but it's a unique strategy that only Disney seems to have any control over.

1 comment :

  1. When I went to Disney four years ago, I was blown away by just how perfectly crafted and controlled the experience was. The fact that every single worker in every park was absolutely, ruthlessly cheerful and accommodating indicated that there aren't many second chances for people who slip up. It was terrifying and beautiful in its perfection.

    I loved it, but only because I knew that I could leave.
