- The giant heart, of course.
- A Rube Goldberg-esque mechanical sculpture which moved some kind of wooden balls around ad infinitum.
- Video demonstrations about antibodies.
- The Omnimax, which I guess is called IMAX Dome now
I'm really not doing these memories justice. There's a particular childlike joy only found in memories of science museums. I remember visiting the FI again sometime in the early undergraduate years and finding it underwhelming. I was older, certainly, but the exhibits also seemed to gloss over most scientific explanations for phenomena in favor of snappy little demonstrations without much rationale behind them. It was less of "this is why things happen like they do" and more of "hey look at this happening! That's because of Science!" Plus, a good quarter of the exhibits were broken or damaged from use.
I'd still take kids to museums now. There must be ways to cultivate wonder and the search for meaning concurrently.
The Franklin Institute still holds up -- I went there last year and had a blast. But I will always carry the scars from learning the Communications Room was taken away.